



  親愛的同學們 /你好:






目前本計畫正在招募教學志願者(計畫助學金補助 NT144/小時+獎勵獎金)。為更瞭解相關計畫實施內容,將為所有同學進行招募說明會,請同學們踴躍參加。



日期:118 ()

           125 ()


地點:社會科學院,SS4005 教室




說明會報名及參加全免費。欲參與者請至報名網站 (https://goo.gl/EZFXt8)提供聯繫資訊。]






Dear Students, 


We are inviting you to participate in the orientation PTL (Playing, Teaching, Learning) English Program and Classroom in Context English Teaching Program, which are supported by Taiwan Ministry of Education. Eligible participant to join these programs will receive not only subsidies and prize as scholarship, and also certificate of participation.


These two programs are designed to connect the international student community on campus with the local schools, to give interactive English speaking lessons. The PTL English Program is designed for elementary school students and the Classroom in Context English Teaching Program is designed for senior high school students.


Currently, we are looking for teaching volunteers who found interest to join these programs (subsidy of NT144+/hr and award scholarship included). For further elaboration of these two program, we are hosting recruitment orientation, and you are welcomed to join any date of these orientations.


Below is the time and venue of orientation:

Date: 18th Jan. (Thu.)

          25th Jan. (Thu.)

Time: 14:00--16:00

Venue: Room SS4005, College of Social Sciences


Participation is free. For signing up the orientation, please go to the website (https://goo.gl/EZFXt8) to fill in contact information.


We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.


最後修改時間:2020-01-17 AM 11:24

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