

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 專書
    2007(自著)2007/11/00《慈悲的化身--堪布貢噶旺秋仁波切生命側寫》,財團法人休休文教基金會。,高雄,2007/11孫小玉 Sun, Hsiao-yu
    2005(自著)2005/08/00Writing the Wilderness Environment: The Discourse of Wilderness Preservation in the Texts of American Environmental Writers. Taipei: Bookman Publishing Company,ISBN 957-445-107-0,2005/08盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu
    2005(自著)2005/00/00The Traumatic Thing,Bookman,Taipei, Taiwan,2005/00陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen
    2004(自著)2004/00/00(De)Colonizing the Body: Disease, Empire, and (Alter)Native Medicine in Contemporary Native American Women’s Writings,書林,台北,2004/00黃心雅 (Huang, Hsin-ya)
    2003(自著)2003/01/01南洋論述:馬華文學與文化屬性,麥田,台北,9867782674,2003/01張錦忠 TEE Kim Tong
    1999(自著)1999/12/00Gazing at the Other: A Cross-cultural and Interdisciplinary Study of Lacan's Subject in Other Contexts. Taipei: Bookman Books. ( NSC85-2411-H-110-006) & ( NSC86-2411-H-110-004),1999/12孫小玉 Sun, Hsiao-yu
    1999(自著)1999/00/00Heralds of the Postmodern: Madness and Fiction in Conrad, Woolf, and Lessing,Peter Lang,New York,1999/00陳艷姜 Cheng, Yuan-jung
    1999(合編)1999/00/00Chung, Ling, Wang I-chun, Ting Chen-wan, Sun Hsiao-yu, Kung Chung-wen, Chen Yen.Poseidon and the Muses: Proceddings of the International Conference on Arts, Literature, and the Ocean. Kaohsiung: College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University.,1999/00孫小玉 Sun, Hsiao-yu
    1996(合編)1996/00/00Francis K. H. So & Hsiao-yu Sun. Eds. Modern Literature and Literary Revisited. Taipei: Crane.,1996/00孫小玉 Sun, Hsiao-yu
    1995(自著)1995/00/00Shyu, Shu-ing,The Syntax of Focus and Topic in Mandarin Chinese,University of Southern California,1995/00徐淑瑛 Shyu, Shu-ing
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