



  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    張錦忠 TEE Kim Tong20062006,離散雙鄉:作為亞洲跨國華文書寫的在台馬華文學,中國現代文學,9,pp61-72 (其他)
    張錦忠 TEE Kim Tong20062006,(離散)在台馬華文學與原鄉想像,中山人文學報,22,pp93-105 (其他)
    洪敏秀 Hung, Min-hsiou Rachel20062006,尋找媒地絲的混絲絞股:柯樂藤《尋找四月雨樹》中的移位介/界面,中外文學,34,9,pp97-119 (其他)
    田偉文 Rudolphus Teeuwen20062006,The Way We Live Now: David Damrosch's Meetings of the Mind,Paradoxa,20,pp219-234 (MLA)
    田偉文 Rudolphus Teeuwen20062006,Review of La Terreur et le sacré: La nuit gothique américaine,Paradoxa,20,pp340-344 (MLA)
    黃心雅 (Huang, Hsin-ya)20062006,Blood /Memory in N. Scott Momaday’s The Names: A Memoir and Linda Hogan’s The Woman Who Watches Over the World: A Native Memoir.” ,Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies ,32,1,pp169-194 (其他)
    陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen20062006,Asian North-American Children’s Literature about the Internment,Children’s Literature in Education (SpringerLink, New York),37,2,pp111-124 (AHCI)
    賴淑芳 Lai, Shu-fang20062006,Harriet Martineau's 'Historiattes': Part One of Two,Martineau Society Newsletter,21,pp22-26 (其他)
    盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu20062006,“Constructing National Subjectivity: the Preservation of Wilderness Environment and the Construction of National Identity in the Texts of John James Audubon”,Huafan Journal of Humanities 7,7,pp81-101 (其他)
    王儀君 Wang, I-chun20062006,旅行、地理與性別:彌爾頓宮廷舞劇《可慕思》中的邊界論述,中外文學,34,12,pp83-108 (其他)
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