《Career Guidance Workshop》- 1st May, 6th May-Google Product Inclusion & Accessibility Program Manager, Air Traffic Controller, HANSHIN Digital Marketing Deputy General Manage
Career Guidance Workshop, Department of Foreign Language and Literature, National Sun-yat Sen University
Google Product Inclusion & Accessibility Program Manager, Air Traffic Controller, HANSHIN Digital Marketing Deputy General Manager
Time:1st May, 4:15 p.m.
Venue:Room LA3005 (3rd Floor, the Building of the College of Liberal Art. NSYSU)
(1) Miss XU Ting Er (許庭爾系友) (Alumna 110, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun-yat Sen University)
Google Product inclusion & Accessibility Program Manager
(2) Miss JIAN Wan Xuan (簡婉軒系友) (Alumna 109, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Sun-yat Sen University)
Air Traffic Controller
2. The Turining Point: from A- to A+ (從A-到A+的轉型之路)
Time:6th May, 12:10 p.m.
Venue:Room LA3005 (中山大學文學院3樓)
Speaker:Miss YUAN Yong Hui (袁永慧小姐) (HANSHIN Digital Marketing Deputy General Manager)
To attend the workshops, please sign up by 29th April noon https://forms.gle/dW4ddZ5PpQDAcfoa7