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    Selected book
    YearSelected book categoryDate of publicationSelect book titleAuthor
    2024(Single-author)2024/00/00Radiation Ecologies in Trans-Pacific Indigenous Literature: After Hiroshima(Forthcoming),New York: Routledge.,New York,2024/00Huang, Hsin-ya
    2023(Single-author)2023/10/28Francesca Cauchi,Nietzsche's Rhetoric: Four Case Studies,New York, USA,978-3-031-42963-7,2023/10Francesca Cauchi
    2023(Co-editor)2023/00/00Pacific Literature as World Literature: Ocean and Ecology in the Trans-Pacific Context,Bloomsbury Publishing,New York,978-1-5013-8932-0,2023/00Huang, Hsin-ya
    2022(Co-editor)2022/12/00,9786269558339,2022/12TEE Kim Tong
    2022(Single-author)2022/11/30Francesca Cauchi,Zarathustra’s Moral Tyranny: Spectres of Kant, Hegel and Feuerbach,Edinburgh University Press,The United States,9781399504317,2022/11Francesca Cauchi
    2022(Co-editor)2022/08/00,9786263358577,2022/08TEE Kim Tong
    2022(Multi-author)2022/08/00,9781108903134,2022/08Tseng, Ming-yu
    2022(Co-editor)2022/04/00,2022/04TEE Kim Tong
    2022(Single-editor)2022/00/00After Hiroshima: Radiation Ecologies in Trans-Pacific Indigenous Literature. (Routledge Research in Transnational Indigenous Perspectives),2022/00Huang, Hsin-ya
    2022(Single-author)2022/00/00Diaspora, Memory, and Resurgence:Trans-Pacific Indigenous Writing and Practice,Bookman,Taipei, Taiwan,2022/00Huang, Hsin-ya
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