


招生資訊-碩士班(除鼓勵相關本科系學生報考本系碩士班,我們亦竭誠歡迎校內外非本科系學生報考,可以培養第二專長) / 外國學生申請入學


1. 語文能力要求(非英語系統國家學生):
托福成績須達網路化測驗iBT-TOEFL 88分/電腦化測驗CBT-TOEFL 230分/紙筆測驗570分/雅思測驗6.5分以上
2. 彌封之推薦信三封
3. 三頁以內英文留學計畫書(含研究計畫書),內請註明申請組別:甲組-文學組、乙組:應用語言學組,請擇一組別申請。
4. 英文學期報告二件。

All the following documents should be submitted to the Office of International  Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University before the deadline.  Please check the deadline on the website:

1. Minimum English proficiency for non-native English speaking applicants:
TOEFL score iBT-TOEFL of 88 / CBT-TOEFL of 230 / Paper-based TOEFL of 570 / IELTS of 6.5
2. Three (3) recommendation letters (sealed and signed)
3. Study Plan (in English), no more than 3 pages (including research plan).  Please choose one out of the two divisions:  A (Literature) or B (Applied Linguistics).
4. Two (2) English term papers.
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