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    Ou, Shu-chen Sherry20222022,,JASA Express Letter,2,4,pp405020-1-405202-6 (SCI)
    Tseng, Ming-yu2022Tseng, Ming-Yu, & Zhang, Grace,2022,Conceptual metonymy and emotive-affective meaning at the interface: Examples from online medical consultations,Lingua,268,pp1-17 (SSCI),(AHCI)
    Li, Chi-fang Sophia20222022,,75,3,pp982-984 (AHCI)
    Lu, Li-ru20222022,"Filling the Lacunae of Nature Writing: Travels, Empires, and Three Nineteenth-Century English and American Travelers’ Natural Texts on Formosa",NCUE Journal of Humanities,25,pp13-44 (Others)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20222022,“Review: Ocean Passages: Navigating Pacific Islander and Asian American Literature.” (Others)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20222022,After Hiroshima: Radiation Ecologies in Trans-Pacific Indigenous Literatures.,CUNY FORUM ,10,1,pp70-77 (Others)
    Francesca Cauchi2022Francesca Cauchi,2020,“Dangerous conceits” and “bloody passion”: the dual master-slave reversal in Othello,Philological Quarterly,99,3,pp295-314 (AHCI)
    Huang, Hsin-ya2021Hsinya Huang, Yih-ren Lin, Chia-hua Lin, and Ysanne Chen ,2023,Food Futures— Humanities and Social Sciences Approaches at the Asia-Pacific Observatory. (Others)
    Teeuwen, Rudolphus20212022,Review of Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro, Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us,Symploke,29,1-2,pp761-764 (MLA)
    Yi-Peng Lai20212022,"James Joyce and the Writing on Foot and Mouth Disease",Joyce Studies Annual ,2021,pp226-238 (MLA)
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