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  • Journal paper
    Tseng, Ming-yu20062006,Iconicity in the Interplay of the Literal and the Metaphorical,Journal of Literary Semantics,35,1,pp31-57 (AHCI),(Others)
    Chen, Fu-jen2006Chen, Fu-jen; Yu, Su-lin,2006,重繪美國西南:從空間詩學探討日裔美國文學的集中營書寫,中外文學,35,1,pp41-58 (THCI core)
    Lai, Shu-fang20062005,Dickens’s Representation of Childhood Trauma,Foreign Literature Studies,28,pp38-46 (AHCI)
    TEE Kim Tong20052005,,34,pp27-42 (Others)
    Wang, I-chun20052005,,33,11,pp141-164 (Others)
    Lin, Yu-chen 20052005,,31,2,pp101-125 (Others)
    Carlos Yu-Kai Lin20052005,A Radical Interpretation of Fromm’s Concept of Man,Con-temporary,210,pp143-132 (Others)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20052005,Prologue〈「翻譯」法農:權力、慾望與身體的中(仲)介書寫〉。,《黑皮膚,白面具》 (Others)
    Hung, Min-hsiou Rachel20052005,Where Did All the Water Come from?: A Dialogue between Wilderness and Garden in Thomas King’s Green Grass, Running Water,Chung Wai Literary Monthly,33,8,pp129-153 (Others)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20052005,Writing Fever, Writing Trauma: Tropical Disease and Tribal Medicine—The Columbian Exchange in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead and Gardens in the Dunes,35,3-4,pp155-205 (Others)
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