

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    王儀君 Wang, I-chun19981998,肢體解構的意義: 論阿法兒‧班小說《歐若諾可》中奴隸與種族、性別問題,中外文學,24,5,pp1-12 (其他)
    孫小玉 Sun, Hsiao-yu19971997,The Self of Text: A Critical Re-evaluation of the Death of Author",Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities,5,pp159-178 (其他)
    曾銘裕 Tseng, Ming-Yu19971997,Notes on the English Translation of Chan/Zen Writing: Some Selected Koans,Norwich Papers in European Languages, Literatures and Culture,5,pp53-59 (其他)
    林玉珍 Lin, Yu-chen 19971997,司法、語言與愛爾蘭主體,中外文學,26,5,pp55-79 (其他)
    林玉珍 Lin, Yu-chen 19971997,The Problem of Desire in James Joyce’s‘The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies’.,EurAmerica,27,2,pp37-64 (其他)
    賴淑芳 Lai, Shu-fang1997with K. J. Fielding,1997,Dickens, Science, and 'The Poetry of Science.',Dickensian,93,pp5-10 (AHCI)
    賴淑芳 Lai, Shu-fang1997with K. J. Fielding,1997,On Dickens the Evolutionist.,Dickensian ,93,pp205- (AHCI)
    歐淑珍 Ou, Shu-chen Sherry1997歐淑珍、蕭宇超,1997,從「韻律音韻學」看臺灣閩南語的輕聲現象,聲韻論叢第六輯,6,pp865-896 (其他)
    曾銘裕 Tseng, Ming-Yu19971997,Symbolic Discourse: Mystical Writing as Anti-Language,Language and Literature,6,3,pp181-195 (其他)
    盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu19971997,“Post-colonialism and Ecology: The Construction of National Identity and the Destruction of Natural Environment in the Texts of Early American Writers”,Chung Wai Literary Monthly,26.7,pp97-117 (MLA),(THCI core)
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