Yearto Year

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  • Journal paper
    Huang, Hsin-ya20022002, “Trauma and Hiroshima: Catastrophe, Memory, and Literature as Testimony.” ,Chung Wai Literary Monthly ,30,9,pp86-117 (MLA),(THCI core)
    TEE Kim Tong20012001,,30,7,pp197-210 (TSSCI)
    Cheng, Yuan-jung20012001,美學、民族誌與文學的文化功能:專訪嘉布瑞兒.舒瓦伯教授,中外文學,30,4,pp128-147 (Others)
    TEE Kim Tong20012001,,30,3,pp93-113 (TSSCI)
    TEE Kim Tong20012001,,29,11,pp29-43 (TSSCI)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20012001,兩性關係:性別與文學,腳本與教學節目帶 高雄市立空中大學教材 (Others)
    Lin, Yu-chen 20012001,,31,1,pp35-78 (Others)
    TEE Kim Tong20012001,,29,8,pp26-37 (TSSCI)
    Cheng, Yuan-jung20012001,The River of Desire: Duras’s Chinese Lover and the Literature of Transgression,Chung Wai Literary Monthly,30,4,pp91-105 (Others)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20012001,Imagining the Chinese Woman Warrior,Tamkang Review,31-32,pp139-171 (Others)
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