Yearto Year

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  • Journal paper
    Chen, Fu-jen20042004,Asian-American Literature and a Lacanian Reading of Maxine Hong Kingston’s Tripmaster Monkey,CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Purdue University Press) ,6,2 (AHCI)
    Lai, Shu-fang20042004,Trotty and Etty: Unlikely Partners in Punch,Dickensian,100,pp139-143 (AHCI)
    Shyu, Shu-ing2004Shyu, Shu-ing,2004,Asymmetries between Mandarin Chinese Lian-dou and Shenzhi,Journal of Chinese Linguistics,32,1,pp71-128 (AHCI)
    TEE Kim Tong20042004,Looking for Zhu Ling: Self-Identity in Li Yongping's feifei,35,2,pp97-111 (TSSCI)
    Yang, Yu-Feng Diana 20042004,,16,pp280-291 (Others)
    Lin, Yu-chen 20042004,,7,pp1-46 (Others)
    Lu, Li-ru20042004,“‘Performing’ the Wilderness: The Establishment of National Literature in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s 'The Song of Hiawatha'” ,Shi Xin Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences,5,pp1-20 (Others)
    Lu, Li-ru20042004,“Toward American National Literature: Walt Whitman’s Establishment of New Poetics and National Identity in 'Leaves of Grass'” ,Soochow Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures,19,pp187-202 (Others)
    Lu, Li-ru20042004,“Arthur Miller’s 'Death of a Salesman': A Tragedy of a Common Man.”, Huafan Journal of Humanities ,pp197-214 (Others)
    Tseng, Ming-yu20042004,A Framework for Tracing Iconicity,Semiotica,149,1-4,pp343-306 (AHCI),(Others)
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