



  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 專書論文
    張錦忠 TEE Kim Tong20222023,想像一個前衛的共同體:陳瑞獻與馬華現代文學運動2.0,冷戰、本土化與現代性:《蕉風》研究論文集,國立中山大學人文研究中心;離散/現代性研究室,高雄市,臺灣,pp185-198
    張錦忠 TEE Kim Tong20222022,動盪的一九七○年代:馬華文學之為「無為共同體」,亞際南方:馬華文學語文化論集,國立中山大學人文研究中心;離散/現代性研究室,高雄市,臺灣,pp125-137
    李佳容 Lee, Chia-jung20222022,Epistemological Aesthetics of Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” and Shelley’s “Mont Blanc”,Texts, Contexts, and Networks in Romantic and Victorian Literature,Bookman Books, Ltd.,Taiwan,pp91-117
    徐淑瑛 Shyu, Shu-ing2022Shu-ing Shyu, Liok-san Ng,2022,Non-veridical kaN in Taiwanese Southern Min,New Explorations in Chinese Theoretical Syntax: Studies in honor of Yen-Hui Audrey Li, John Benjamins Publishing Company
    田偉文 Rudolphus Teeuwen20222022,Pleasure in Paradigm: Sade, Fourier, Loyola,Understanding Barthes, Understanding Modernism,Bloomsbury,New York,pp55-69
    白士禮 Slim Ben Said 20222022,Language maintenance and the transmission of ideologies among Chinese-Malaysian families. In S. Makoni, A. Kaiper, & L. Mokwena (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South.,Routledge
    林毓凱 Carlos Yu-Kai Lin20222022,A Chinese Diplomat in the Cold War: Hu Shih’s View on International Politics,The Power of Freedom: Hu Shih’s Political Writings,University of Michigan Press,Ann Arbor,pp8-32
    徐淑瑛 Shyu, Shu-ing2022徐淑瑛、周復初、王世平,2022,言談話題、連貫性與綱目標題--以約翰壹書為例,儆醒預備:2021華人基督教之本土與全球發展研討會論文集,橄欖出版有限公司,台北,pp41-67
    白士禮 Slim Ben Said 20222021,Accommodating Chinese Community Languages in Penang: Evidence from the Linguistic Landscape and Local Voices. In S. H. Mirvahedi (Ed.), Linguistic Landscapes in South East Asia: The Politics of Signage and Language.,Routledge
    陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen2021陳福仁;林禹彤,2021,國族軀體:論約翰.岡田《頑劣小子》的存亡、種族與失能,論死生:宗教文化的詮釋 (林長寬編),成功大學 多元文化研究中心,台南市,pp93-122
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