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  • Journal paper
    Tseng, Ming-yu2018Tseng, Ming-Yu & Grace Zhang,2018,Pragmeme, adaptability, and elasticity in online medical consultations,Journal of pragmatics,137,pp40-56 (SSCI),(AHCI)
    TEE Kim Tong20182018,,40,pp121-126 (THCI core)
    Liao, Fang-Yu2018Liao, F. ,2018,Prospective ESL/EFL teachers’ perceptions towards writing poetry in a second language: Difficulty, value, emotion, and attitude. ,Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics,4,pp1-1 (Others)
    Liao, Fang-Yu2018Liao, F.,2018,Translingual pedagogy through poetry writing: A case of college composition courses (Special Issue on Transnationalism). ,Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogy,4,pp741-3 (Others)
    Huang, Hsin-ya20182018,Review: Toward the Trans-Indigenous Pacific: Islanding Perspectives,Verge: Studies in Global Asias,4,2,pp81-86 (MLA)
    Tseng, Ming-yu2018Tseng, Ming-Yu,2018,Creating a theoretical framework: On the move structure of theoretical framework sections in research articles related to language and linguistics,Journal of English for Academic Purposes,33,pp82-99 (SSCI),(AHCI)
    Lai, Shu-fang2018with Peih-ying Lu (1st author),2018,Western Medical Education in Formosa the 19th Century: David Manson Memorial Hospital and its Medical Education Scheme,Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine,26 (TSSCI),(THCI core)
    Sun, Hsiao-yu20182018,,44,1,pp13-39 (AHCI)
    Li, Chi-fang Sophia20182018,Thomas Dekker Revealed in the Henslowe-Alleyn Papers ,New Theatre Quarterly (Cambridge University Press),34,1,pp16-34 (AHCI),(MLA)
    Shyu, Shu-ing20182018,The Scope of EVEN: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese,Language and Linguistics,19,1,pp156-195 (SSCI),(AHCI)
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