

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    白士禮 Slim Ben Said 20192019,你和你老闆說英語,但你跟我要說廣東話!”:香港外籍家庭傭工語言使用的限制和可能性,慈濟人文社會科學學刊,24,pp65-106 (其他)
    白士禮 Slim Ben Said 20192019,‘Chameleonic’ English in Tunisia: A Third-Space Language. ,American Language Journal,3,1,pp34-50 (其他)
    賴淑芳 Lai, Shu-fang20192019,"I was named Doctor": Fancy about Medicine in Dickens's Dr. Marigold's Prescriptions and Journalism,Studies in the Literary Imagination,52,1 & 2,pp39-56 (AHCI)
    賴怡芃 Yi-Peng Lai20192018,"History, Hunger, and the Construction of an Irish Homeland: Emma Donoghue’s The Wonder and Mary Gordon’s Pearl",Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction,60,1,pp58-66 (AHCI),(MLA)
    陳瑞華20182018,Losing A Language: A Qualitative Study of Code-Switching Among Taiwanese-Chinese Bilingual Aphasic Speakers with Selective Recovery Pattern. ,JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN LINGUISTICS,9,pp1452-1470 (其他)
    張錦忠 TEE Kim Tong20182018,〈在萬家墨面的時代:「動地吟」的文學行動〉,文化研究,27,pp154-158 (TSSCI)
    徐淑瑛 Shyu, Shu-ing2018Shyu, Shu-ing, & Tsung-Lin Tung,2018,Mandarin Wh-Phrases and Prosody,韻律語法研究,3,2,pp32-76 (其他)
    陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen20182018,Adopting the Unadoptable/Disabled Subject in the Posthuman Era,CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Purdue University Press), 20.6 (AHCI), (AHCI)
    陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen20182018,Introduction to Belief in Contemporary Global Capitalism,CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Purdue University Press), 20.6 (AHCI), (AHCI)
    盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu20182018,“Travel, Coal, and Imperialism: Delineations of Formosan Coal in Nineteenth-Century English Travelers’ Coal Texts”,SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English,55,2 ,pp245-266 (SCOPUS) (ESCI) (MLA)
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