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    Tseng, Ming-yu2018Tseng, Ming-Yu,2018,Where cultural references and lexical cohesion meet: Toward a multi-layer framing analysis ,Pragmatics,28,4,pp573-598 (SSCI)
    Shang-yu Sheng20182018,Review of Speech, Print, and Decorum in Britain, 1600-1750: Studies in Social Rank and Communication, by Elspeth Jajdelska (Routledge, 2016),Renaissance Quarterly ,70,1,pp329-31 (AHCI)
    Carlos Yu-Kai Lin20182018,Baihua as an Element: Reconsidering Hu Shi’s Theory of Vernacular Literature,Intellectual History ,8,pp337-289 (THCI core)
    Carlos Yu-Kai Lin20182018,Chinese Genres, Western Works: The Formation of the Idea of Foreign Literature in Late Qing China,Modern China Studies ,25,pp195-178 (Others)
    Teeuwen, Rudolphus2017Rudolphus Teeuwen,2017,Revisiting Three Austen Studies: Close-Reading Morality and Style in Mansfield Park,Fiction and Drama,27,1,pp33-56 (Others)
    Lai, Shu-fang20172017,Robert Browning, Algernon Charles Swinburne and Evolution,Wenshan Review,11,1,pp115-146 (THCI core)
    Lu, Li-ru20172017, “Ecocriticism of Nineteenth-Century Taiwan in John Dodd’s ‘Formosa’” , The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies,15,2,pp1-8 (Others)
    Liao, Fang-Yu2017Hanauer, D., Liao, F., Nicholes, J., & Beasley, A. ,2017,Empirical studies of creative writing in the second language classroom: Challenging the oxymoron [Editorial]. ,The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching,6,pp5-1 (Others)
    Liao, Fang-Yu2017Masbuhin, R., & Liao, F,2017,English teachers’ desire to teach poetry: The impact of educational backgrounds, belief towards poetry, and level of confidence,The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching,6,pp21-1 (Others)
    Liao, Fang-Yu2017Liao, F., & Roy, S. ,2017,EFL students’ perceptions of writing poetry in English: The effect of educational backgrounds and belief towards poetry,The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching,6,pp55-1 (Others)
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