

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 專書論文
    白士禮 Slim Ben Said 20222022,Language maintenance and the transmission of ideologies among Chinese-Malaysian families. In S. Makoni, A. Kaiper, & L. Mokwena (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South.,Routledge
    林毓凱 Carlos Yu-Kai Lin20222022,A Chinese Diplomat in the Cold War: Hu Shih’s View on International Politics,The Power of Freedom: Hu Shih’s Political Writings,University of Michigan Press,Ann Arbor,pp8-32
    徐淑瑛 Shyu, Shu-ing2022徐淑瑛、周復初、王世平,2022,言談話題、連貫性與綱目標題--以約翰壹書為例,儆醒預備:2021華人基督教之本土與全球發展研討會論文集,橄欖出版有限公司,台北,pp41-67
    白士禮 Slim Ben Said 20222021,Accommodating Chinese Community Languages in Penang: Evidence from the Linguistic Landscape and Local Voices. In S. H. Mirvahedi (Ed.), Linguistic Landscapes in South East Asia: The Politics of Signage and Language.,Routledge
    黃心雅 (Huang, Hsin-ya)2021Huang, Hsinya,2022,"Climate Change and Indigenous Sovereignty in Pacific Islanders’ Writing: From Diverse Indigenous Voices on Climate",The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Climate,Cambridge UP,Cambridge,pp257-68
    陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen2021陳福仁;林禹彤,2021,國族軀體:論約翰.岡田《頑劣小子》的存亡、種族與失能,論死生:宗教文化的詮釋 (林長寬編),成功大學 多元文化研究中心,台南市,pp93-122
    黃舒屏 Shuping Huang2021Huang, Shuping,2021,Culture-specific elaborations in cross-linguistic studies of metaphors: Comparing LIFE IS A JOURNEY in Chinese and British English,Cultural-Linguistic Explorations into Spirituality, Emotionality, and Society,John Benjamins,Amsterdam,pp213-236
    黃心雅 (Huang, Hsin-ya)2021Huang Hsinya, and Syman Rapongan,2021,“Radiation Ecologies, Resistance, and Survivance on Pacific Islands: Albert Wendt's Black Rainbow and Syaman Rapongan’s Drifting Dreams on the Ocean.”,Mushroom Clouds: Ecocritical Approaches to Militarization and the Environment in East Asia,Routledge,New York,pp61-76
    盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu20212021, “Writing the Lives of Marine Animals: Delineations of Formosa in Cuthbert Collingwood’s Rambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea”,Life Mapping as Cultural Legacy. Eds. Mary Theis and I-Chun Wang. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing,pp52-70
    黃心雅 (Huang, Hsin-ya)2021黃心雅、夏曼.藍波安,2021,〈太平洋島嶼的輻射生態與對抗政治:奧爾伯.温特的《黑色彩虹》及夏曼.藍波安的《大海浮夢》〉,《環境戰爭》,書林/ Bookman,Taipei,pp165-180
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