



  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    歐淑珍 Ou, Shu-chen Sherry2021Guo, Zhe-chen Ou, Shu-chen,2021,The use of tonal coarticulation in segmentation of artificial language speech: A Study with Mandarin Listeners,Applied Psycholinguistics,42,3,pp631-655 (SSCI)
    黃心雅 (Huang, Hsin-ya)2021黃心雅、吳瑞斌(譯),2021,黃心雅、吳瑞斌(譯)〈慾望輪/迴:梁志英《鳳眼》中的佛教、離散理論與身分政治(2006)〉,《華美:華美及離散華文文學論文集》,pp749-83 (其他)
    田偉文 Rudolphus Teeuwen2020Rudolphus Teeuwen,2020,Incomplete Enlightenment: Edgar Reitz’s The End of the Future and the Aesthetics of Suffering,Philosophy and Literature,44,2,pp255-271 (AHCI)
    田偉文 Rudolphus Teeuwen2020Rudolphus Teeuwen,2020,What’s Fragile Is Always New:’ The Truth of Literature in Roland Barthes’s The Preparation of the Novel,Symploke,1,2,pp207-223 (MLA)
    盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu20202020,“Environmental Changes and Ecodegradation: The Delineations of Ninettenth-Century Formosa in the Writings of Nineteenth-Century English and American Travelers”,NCUE Journal of Humanities,22,pp9-24 (其他)
    李祁芳, Chi-fang Sophia Li20202020,In Conversation with Shakespeare in Jacobean London: Social Insanity & its Taming Schools in 1&2 Honest Whore,Shakespeare Survey (Cambridge University Press),73,pp63-78 (AHCI),(MLA)
    田偉文 Rudolphus Teeuwen2020Rudolphus Teeuwen,2020,The Dream of a Minimal Sociality’: Roland Barthes’ Skeptic Intensity (First published online, Aug. 2016),Theory, Culture & Society,37,4,pp119-134 (SSCI)
    曾銘裕 Tseng, Ming-Yu2020Zhang, Grace & Ming-Yu Tseng ,2020,Attitudes towards elastic language in Australian online healthcare information,Internet Pragmatics,31,pp34-63 (MLA)
    盧家達20202020,Lyric Embarrassment and the Phenomenology of Alterity in Keats’s Two Odes on Art,Études Anglaises,vol. 73,no. 2,pp186-202 (AHCI),(MLA)
    曾銘裕 Tseng, Ming-Yu2020Tseng, Ming-Yu & Grace Zhang ,2020,Perceptions of and attitudes toward elastic language in online health communication in Chinese,Lingua,233,pp1-24 (SSCI),(AHCI)
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