

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 研討會論文
    華語(語系)電影?試以華語語系看邱金海之《伴我行》(博)熊婷惠 2013-07-30第十二屆國際青年學者漢學會議:華語語系文學與影像
    From Sociolinguistics to Social Epitome: A Study on the Protagonists in The Taming of the Shrew王曉婷, Wang, Xiao-ting曾銘裕, Tseng, Ming-yu2013-06-00 
    Spectacular Capitalism in William Gibson's Pattern Recognition(博)李蕙君, Li, Hui-jun (PhD) 2012-11-24第二十屆全國英美文學學術研討會:奇觀・齊觀
    Surfing towards Oceanic Beatitude(博)李蕙君, Li, Hui-jun (PhD) 2012-11-02國立中山大學人文研究中心2012國際研討會:地景、海景與空間想像
    Regressing into the Imaginary Mother-Child Relationship: A Lacanian Reading of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse項光裕, Xiang, Guang-yu 2012-10-162012年兒童文學國際研討會
    Metaphor and Metonymy in Apple Daily's Headlines; Phonetics of Speech Acts: A Pilot Study 莊智霖, Zhuang, Zhi-lin 2012-09-21第二十四屆自然語言與語音處理研討會
    Metaphor and Metonymy in Apple Daily’s Headlines:Phonetics of Speech Acts: A Pilot Study(碩)莊智霖 2012-09-21第二十四屆自然語言與語音處理研討會
    A Popular Change from an Old Man to a Young Girl: The BBC's 'Pardoner's Tale'顏正裕, Yan, Zheng-yu 2012-08-17XVIIIth Annual Conference:
    Confessions of Edgar Allan Poe's Criminals in 鄭立偉, Zheng, Li-wei 2012-07-05Confessional Culture Conference
    Thinking of Silence and Body in Feminist Theories: Taking as Examples Marguerite Duras's The Lover and Doris Lessing's Briefing For a Descent Into Hell熊婷惠, Xiong, Ting-hui 2012-06-10International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research Trends and Challenges
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