

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 研討會論文
    Thinking of Silence and Body in Feminist Theories: Taking as Examples Marguerite Duras’s The Lover and Doris Lessing’s Briefing for a Descent Into Hell(博)熊婷惠 2012-06-10International Symposium on Language and Communication: Research and Challenges(ISLC)
    Possession and Disposal: King Mark's Love and Desire in Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan顏正裕, Yan, Zheng-yu 2012-06-08Feminisms and Queer Sexualities: Intersections in Text and Context
    Chinatown as a Mnemonic Site: Restaurant and Chinese Canadian Spatial Stories in Fred Wah's Diamond劉芳礽, Liu, Fang-reng 2012-06-02The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies
    Confinement and Transgression in Eugene O'Neill's The Hairy Ape and Arthur Miller's The Crucible(博)李蕙君, Li, Hui-jun (PhD) 2012-06-01The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2012
    Chinatown as a Mnemonic Site: Memory politics in Fred Wah’s “Diamond Grill”(博)劉芳礽 2012-06-01The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2012
    Confinement and Transgression in Eugene O’Neill’s “The Hairy Ape” and Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”(博)李蕙君 2012-06-01The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2012
    〈城市、空間與記憶:論林玉玲與陳美玲詩作〉熊婷惠, Xiong, Ting-hui 2012-05-262012年「海外華人研究」研究生國際學術研討會:認同與文化政治
    程式、空間與記憶:論林玉玲與陳美玲詩作(博)熊婷惠 2012-05-252012年〝海外華人研究〞研究生國際學術研討會
    Onset Effect On Perception of English Vowels by Native Speakers of Mandarin Chinese 洪婉蓁, Hong, Wan-zhen  2012-05-242012NCL全國語言學學術研討會
    There is No Sexual Relationship: Courtly Love in Thomas Carew's Lyrics項光裕, Xiang, Guang-yu 2012-05-12第三屆慈濟大學文學、語言學暨專業英語學術研討會
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