

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 其他著作
    其他 Tseng, Ming-Yu (ed.) (2013) Analyzing Language and Discourse as Interculturl and Intracultural Mediation Kaohsiung: Center for the Humanities at National Sun Yat-sen University.曾銘裕 Tseng, Ming-Yu

    May 2013. 文學傳記與微歷史間的雙向觀點《中華民國比較文學學會電子報第五期》,4-8.

    李祁芳, Chi-fang Sophia Li
    盧莉茹、蔡佩君譯〈父權國家:新加坡的民族主義、性與種族〉《Culture Studies: 內爆麥當奴》陳光興、楊明敏編。台北:島嶼邊緣,1992106-117(本文原作者為Geraldine Heng and Janadas Deren
    盧莉茹 Li-Ru Lu
    其他 Yang, Y. (2013). Coordinating in internet English interest communities: Divergent participation and transformations in affordances. National Science Council Grant Final Report. (NSC 100-2410-H-110 -045)

    楊郁芬 Yang, Yu-Feng Diana
     2012. 陳福仁譯。稻田房雄,〈給主編的信〉。《全球屬性,在地聲音:亞美文學四十年精選集(上)》,頁419-24。單德興主編。台北:允晨文化陳福仁 Chen, Fu-jen
    學位論文  ‘He Sang the Story’: Narrative and Poetic Identity in Keats’s Work. PhD thesis. Durham University, UK. 姚惠芬 Huey-fen Fay Yao
    其他 歐淑珍 (2012) 《臺灣英語學習者重音產製之理解度探討》國科會專題研究成果報告 Taiwan EFL leaners' stress production and its intelligibility Techical Report(NSC 100-2410-H-110-047-)歐淑珍 Ou, Shu-chen Sherry
    學位論文 ‘“Timely Utterance”: Re-reading the Wordsworths of The 1805 Prelude’.Doctoral Thesis. The University of Manchester, UK李佳容 Lee, Chia-jung
    其他 歐淑珍 (2011) 《感知訓練對台灣大學生之英語字重音習得研究》國科會專題研究計畫報告Training EFL learners to perceive English word stress Technical Report (NSC 99-2410-H-110-055-)歐淑珍 Ou, Shu-chen Sherry
    其他 歐淑珍 (2010)《中介語重音感知:跨語言研究》國科會專題研究計畫報告 Interlanguage word stress perception: A cross-linguistic study Technical Report (NSC 98-2410-H-110-039-)歐淑珍 Ou, Shu-chen Sherry
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